Should You Push or Pull an Electric Pallet Truck?

For those who work in warehouse or transportation environments, you will certainly be accustomed to how an electric pallet truck operates and it’s usefulness around the workplace.
While these revolutionary pieces of machinery excel when shifting goods from one area of the warehouse to another, it is important to understand how to best utilise them. As such, in this article, we answer the question “Should you push or pull an electric pallet truck?” to experience greater workplace efficiencies and pallet truck safety.
How to Move an Electric Pallet Truck
To start with, we think it’s best to understand how to move a pallet truck in the first place. In order to operate a pallet truck, you will need to find the controls which are usually located on the handle of the machine. The control has arrows which point up, down, left and right. You will need to push the forward button on the handle to move the truck forward and press the reverse button to move the truck backwards. In addition, some electric pallet stackers are able to be manually operated meaning a simple push or pull is sufficient enough to move the truck.
Push or Pull?
A common misconception is that an electric pallet truck needs to be pushed in order to function properly. This is because a typical individual can push more weight than they can pull. That’s why when the choice to move an electric pallet truck arises, it’s generally safer to push. However, it’s actually always best to pull the machine across a flat surface for the sole reason that manoeuvrability increases for the operator.
There are also added benefits to pulling as opposed to pushing. For one, if the operator decides to pull an electric pallet truck, they are able to check for potential pedestrians, obstructions and other hazards that may generate when transporting goods from one area to the other. As a result of this, there will be a severe reduction in workplace accidents which will no doubt improve the wellbeing of your employees.
Final Point
A final point we would like to make in relation to electric pallet jack relates to the route you intend to take when transporting a pallet. What we mean by this is that if you are required to move a pallet down an inclined slope (which is not recommended) then a pulling motion is certainly not advised. This is because the electric pallet will generate more speed due to the forces of gravity which can lead to catastrophic injuries towards yourself and others. As a solution, it is advised that you alert others of your course of action and that you use a pushing motion so that you can better control the machine.
Visit Trucks Direct to view our full range of electric pallet trucks.