Purchase from £2,250 +VAT
Hire Purchase £12.16 + VAT / Week

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You are viewing IN ITS ORIGINAL OUTSTANDING CONDITION AN EX DEMO Ride On Sit On Linde T20S Powered pallet Mover. The truck was manufactured in 2009 and has worked for AN INCREDIBLE 94.7 HOURS ONLY FROM NEW. The loading/unloading activities for a pallet truck in a warehouse typically involve an operator spending equal time driving forwards and reversing. With this in mind, Linde have introduced a 45? driving position. This positioning provides the operator with a panoramic view when driving in any direction and removes the physical constraints linked to the usual driving positions. Further enhancing operator safety and productivity is Linde?s new ?e-driver? control system. The operator can simply control the pallet truck with one hand, thus freeing the other to perform key tasks such as scanning, picking or marking. The T20 is also equipped with proportional power steering for effortless control and a self-centering feature that ensures stable and productive straight line performance. This intelligent system also automatically reduces the travel speed in relation to the tightness of the turn.


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